EM Everywhere

Oncology Massage Healing Summit

For two mornings in April, Stacey Schultz taught EM at 6am at the 2018  Oncology Massage Healing Summit to 38 different people  who “experienced the joy of allowing their bodies to move them.” She writes: “And my heart, my heart is so full!”

EM Embodied Awareness at Roeper School

To support Roeper School’s new Wellness Initiative, Karen and Jane joined school faculty and staff  for a professional development day in March. In addition to sitting in on breakout sessions and speaking with students, teachers and administrators, we shared empathy and embodied awareness techniques with the Roeper Community that can easily be incorporated into daily school life without adding time to the schedule.  By the end of the day, we were all ready to move to a little Mo-Town music:  Aretha Franklin’s R-E-S-P-E-C-T! Since we’ve returned, teachers and students have shared with us via Zoom video conferences that they are beginning to integrate pausing, taking three breaths, and using micro-movements as ways to calm stress, re-engage the body, and be ready to listen, learn and respond rather than react!

Sweden 2018

The Swedish EM tribe gathers again…this year to be joined by Karen and Jane…for a late October EM festival at Stjarnsund. If you are part of the Swedish EM tribe, be on the look-out for an invitation to a planning call via Zoom or contact Karen for more details.



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